Into Un-being…I met a man

Part 1


by Ellis

handfromheavenI’m not a religious person, by that I mean I have no affiliations to any organisations that dictate and impose spiritual dogma. I am however sensitive and spiritually aware; and I do my best to live my life considerately and ethically. I’ve improved as I’ve gone along but I’m a long way from perfect; mostly because I don’t assimilate with the contradictions and thoughtless attitudes that are encouraged and legislated everywhere, and struggle to comprehend their attraction. Why do people wear masks?…or think they are. I’m not talking about internet aliases that some people need for their security. I get that. I’m talking about people who do it to present themselves as something more acceptable to the programmed mind, or to disguise dark motives. Masks are no barrier to an adept sensitive; many, many, people can see through them; and more and more mask-people are realising that and rather than being more open they run and hide; stay amongst people who can’t see them. The Darkness still can though, they are in the dark, and these antics amuse It no end. Anyhow, more on this, you may notice, through this article.

So, one day I sat down to continue writing up accounts of experiences I’d recalled that I hadn’t included in the first edition of my book, Dogged Days, and others I’d had since. Very soon a warm and tingling energy began to flow through me…and I found myself writing about Christ energy and receiving insights regarding number four, and other subjects, ones that I hadn’t suspected before. I had not intended to include Jesus or Christ but now I was.

The experience I am going to recount happened not long after I had written a brief paragraph or two on my website about the reality of Jesus the man and the likelihood that he was purposely expunged from all but one or two historical records; and that same day, during a telephone conversation with a friend, I had been praising the wisdom he had brought…rather, they had brought, because it is my understanding that Christ has and does manifest in human beings everywhere, and in every era, and in both genders. Children of an ancient cause

We have mostly only sparse publicly accessible written records of but a few of these inspirational beings and amongst those that have survived they are mainly confused or fragmentary. Even before the Roman Empires of acquisition and subjugation, of religious dominance, persecution and terror, fell upon the whole world, other manifestations of dark enterprise had claimed and destroyed humankind’s legacies. Once every people had their own memories of bright inspirational sages whose wisdom they sought to live by. Their lives attuned with their surroundings and nature flourished.

Instead, now the darkly imposed doctrines of the conquerors have bred spiritual incapacity, irresponsibility and denial to every part of the world. People have been made to be so blinded that even if (when) an authentic inspiring teacher did arrive in their midst they would ignore or attack them – unless they wore sharp clothes, waved sold-out credentials and were bigged-up by the media – alternative and/or corporate. Jesus wouldn’t get his sandal in the door, but then again I doubt he’d want to.

It is rare for a prophet to be acknowledged and appreciated widely in their time, if ever. I would even suggest never. Authentic way-showers do not have large followings, and neither do they have any desire at all to have any. They are inspirations for times ahead, so not comprehended by those steeped in the present, excepting those who stand apart themselves, really stand apart, don’t aim or crave for plaudits and recognition by the messenger or the masses. If they are then they are compromised and not doing their job…unless their role in this life is to gain public attention, but there are caveats to that. The attention they draw must always be directed to the messages they are charged with communicating, not the personality, and they must always ensure that this is understood by people who are drawn to their work.

Enlightening wisdom is always conveyed within a message, yet very rarely in the words. Their deeper essence moves to and fro in the spaces in-between that reach into our aura and into the heart of us, recognised and interpreted by their rhyme and their beat. Words are re-designated to aim for our primed intellects and our programmed instinctual minds to manoeuvre our behaviour and view of ourselves.

Most everyone understands (stands under) most of the words of their own language but these come by way of ‘sentences’. Sentences are judgements and opinions (o-pinions), they tie you down, restrict you. Eloquence and articulate writing are not indications of factual discourse, of truth; yet people have been indoctrinated, very thoroughly, to believe they are. In this world, manufactured and directed by the Demiurge, the Darkness, fine flowing words and claims of unauthorised knowledge are, for me, signs that all may not be as they appear; that I need to use other means of ‘seeing and ‘listening’ as well. I do this anyway, most of the time, but there are times when I am pre-occupied with something else I’m doing at the same time. Multi-tasking, we are always being told is good, it isn’t. Focus is the key, you cannot perform at, or achieve, your best with scattered attention.

While there are some messages in the passages of the Titanic Verses’s New Testament, and in the deeds of legendary saints, that impart great wisdom, there are also pass-Ages, stories that I do not believe ever happened. I do not believe, for instance, the tales of huge throngs of people clamouring after Jesus, on mounts or anywhere else. They are allegorical; and need to viewed with our more insightful senses.

Perhaps we could examine the legend of St. Christopher and how he had successfully carried the ever-increasing weight of the child across the raging torrent and, exhausted, put him down on the other side. Christopher said, “You have put me in the greatest danger. I do not think the whole world could have been as heavy on my shoulders as you were.

The child replied, “You had on your shoulders not only the whole world but Him who made it. I am Christ your king, whom you are serving by this work.“The Church and academia (same thing at it’s root) will tell you that this confirms their version of the Jesus story and how he (Jesus) is God who made the world. It isn’t.

The ‘whole world‘ and ‘Him who made it‘ grew heavy like lead because Christopher was carrying the Darkness and the child. The child’s weight remained the same – zero, the child is the spirit of Christ energy, which is why he vanished once across the river. Despite the increasing power of the Darkness Christopher (Christ-bearer) succeeded in bearing Christ energy to the shore. In truth Christ carried Christopher.

st christopher2 300x409The Roman Church dumped St Christopher from their calendar in 1969 (with puzzlingly contradictory reasons, if you think about it) when, I suspect, they realised that they had fallen for this simple, yet ingenious gnostic parable about how Christ energy would traverse the Age despite the seemingly insurmountable distractions and pressures from the Demiurge/Darkness/Saturn/Satan that has so clearly installed and controlled it. How, by the setting of Christopher’s staff and the fruit-bearing palm that sprang forth from it, there is promise (certainty, they suggest) that the mystical and magical Christ energy will spring up (resurrect) in the Age of the Water-bearer (Aquarius), and flourish.

“The righteous shall flourish like the palm tree” Psalm 92-12. They knew that the scales of Pisces would be pounded; and they also knew that this awakening would not be immediate. The story says, ‘the next morning’ which indicates after the dark and also, possibly 180 years to come into fruition, though the rising will begin from curtain call. When is that though? Is it when, from the materialist point of view, the sun moves into Aquarius in our time? Their time? Ancient time? Or in a more ethereal calendar of unconscious moments? Might their measured description also be suggesting ‘in the blink of an eye’?

crownofthornsChristopher, as I suggested earlier, was the story of a Child of an ancient cause, a Christ carrier, who is carried by Christ, and hopes for human awakening. Jesus of Nazareth was another. One of the signs to look for that I don’t think I’ve mentioned in writing before, is that they all suffer from head wounds, and very often die from them. I’m not saying everyone who receives head injuries is here on a crucial mission, but it’s possible, and I am also not saying that Christ carriers are all saints. The crown of thorns that cut into Jesus’ head, in part, and in symbolism, portrays this sign. Others who have passed our way? Well, I’m sure you can come up with quite a few who have left their prominent footsteps.


Anyway, I’ve taken a detour (again) from the intended article. I do that quite often, it’s a 7 thang, and it’s been another 7-hour marathon for me…so it needed saying.

This is a record of an experience I had very soon after that which I wrote about in the early paragraphs of this article. I first wrote about it in an email to subscribers, or a subscriber article in April 2012, can’t recall which.


Part 2

10 thoughts on “Into Un-being…I met a man

  1. Lovely piece of writing Ellis. I had a powerful experience once myself where I was given a medal of St Christopher. Your story has brought back so many good memories and reminded me that ultimately all is well.

    Much love



    • Hi Siobhán, delighted to see you commenting here my friend. Thank you.
      To hear that the messages that spring from my otherworldly moments, and the sharing of my experiences have succeeded in evoking the memories and meaningfulness of your own is a joy to me. Much love to you and Gerry too.


  2. Thank you, Ellis, a wonderful experience ‘the lion the witch and the wardrobe’? On the reality of Jesus, the living flesh, I ‘stumbled’ across a document which left no doubt in my mind as to his physical presence. Whilst listening to a podcast on the demiurge/false light after life and the recycling of souls via the moon, I did a web search on The Oemans (or Romans) and a rare gem popped up. I’m copying from the Title and it’s lengthy, here goes:-

    THE ARCHKO VOLUME Archeological Writings of the Sanhedrim and Talmuds of The Jews. These Are The Official Documents Made in Three Courts in The Days of Jesus Christ. Translated by Drs Mc
    Intosh and Twyman from manuscripts in Constantinople and Vatican. Hope you can do a link; enjoy!


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