Communing with saints. Calling for warriors

Excerpt from ‘Calling for warriors’:

If this was a deadly virus there would be hardly anyone left standing by now. What happened to the beach-goers, the protesters, the big party-goers, the tight-together police ranks, etc. The mask-media would have surely hollered it if they had died. They haven’t. It’s a ruse and 666 Squeaky Gates and his oily wife are sliming all over it.

Begins with a short article from The Song of Ffraed with photographs taken of and from sites where the alignment between Lundy Island and Bardsey Island, noted by archaeoastronomer Robin Heath, crosses the sacred dragon flow, Y Ddraig Ffraed.

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A Green Hill Far Away…Without a City Wall

I have more to add regarding Alan Wilson’s proposal that Jesus is buried in West Wales.

Besides Gilbert’s, Wilson’s and Blackett’s, The Holy Kingdom, I’ve also been dipping into Australian sleuth author, Tony Bushby’s heretical tome, The Bible Fraud. I’ve no idea if they are aware of one another’s work.

Who of them is more right than the other I have no idea but both parties have carried out decades of deep and committed research and come up with masses of detailed information which includes several major and minor agreements and contradictions. Their strongly referenced compilations are inevitably uncomfortable for settled posteriors in religious and academic rectangles.

I’ll just make it clear, I am not suggesting in the slightest that Bushby or Gilbert, Wilson and Blackett are the only scholars and researchers to consider in this much muddied, yet e’er potent tale, of the history of Jesus Christ and the Holy Family. What they are, are hard core, maverick investigators who both follow the evidence they uncover, and as much as it is possible for the human intellect to do, are open-minded to changes in direction when presented evidence encourages it.

I am not qualified or well-enough informed, to judge either’s propositions, but they are both endlessly fascinating, educational, and confirming to me.  Beside agreeing with detailed memories from my own experiences, there are several more elements in both works that, in my view, have that ring of truth or stand out as ‘almost there’; for instance, you may have read my articles, Into Unbeing…I Met a Man, and Called to Cares.

This is an ongoing peek into Britain’s role in a major phase of what for very many is, the greatest story ever told.

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News and Features

22nd April 17 Howlin’ at the moon. News & Features

New posts on The Song of Ffraed…..
Loreena McKennitt – Dante’s Prayer…..
The Welsh Triangle Broadhaven 40th anniversary conference videos…..
Hidden Solstice Symbols Found in Royal “Peter Pan” Gardens…..
Iranian Sandstorm Uncovers Ancient Lost City…..
Neil Armstrong and the Men in Black?…..
Brain tumour linked to excessive mobile phone use in ‘landmark’ court case
The Devil Inside: Bizarre Cases of Multiple Personalities That Went Bad…..
Project Monarch Mind Control Mania…..
Paranormal Phenomena As Divine Revelation…..
A Different Perspective with Kevin Randle – EP 0036 – Guest: John Burroughs – Bentwaters/Rendlesham…..
Spike Milligan & Harry Secombe Interview…..
New link…..

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